
How embarrassing!

Good afternoon! Let's start with some writing exercises!

Today we traced letter Ee and listened to the sound it makes.  
Afterwards we coloured in the pictures!

Next, I flashed some cards about clothes!  
When they saw the underwear they said "how embarrassing!"

As for the conversation class, the kids all had 2 crayons with the 
same colour and one with a different colour.  They asked the other kids "What 's different!?"

Here I showed every child three cards, they had to guess one of them
by asking the other kids questions. 

Watch out for the hungry alligator  looking for frogs!  Run!

Last week, we played a game with the balls which I wanted to extend to make it more challenging.
Every child had his own colour of ball and when called their colour they had to collect as many balls of their colour within 10 seconds.  

Hurry! Who will collect most of the balls?

Good!  Keep on looking !

