
Musical symbols, the notes! ♪

Good afternoon everyone!  Today, we wrote letter Gg.
Some kids said the uppercase letter G looked like number 6, it does look a little similar doesn't?
And what sound does Gg make?

Next we learned about the musical instruments.  Who knows the most of them?

This is a trombone!  The kids were able to teach the other ones what is on the card.  

Next, the kids learned about musical symbols, especially the notes.
I first taught them what the difference is between "a whole, half, a quarter and a eighth note" 
I drew a cake and I cut them in pieces.  Then I explained them about the notes.
They said it was difficult to understand but it is the just the first time and they did very well!

It is music and dance day so let's play some instruments!  Some kids really couldn't wait their turn.  It is always great to see them interested.

I  also taught how to say "I play a..." musical instrument.

And these are drumsticks!

Let's play some other musical instruments!

Before dancing, we all sat down on the floor and listened to me read a story about donald duck
who snatched the broom from the scary witch and got turned into a watermelon and a frog.
Some of the kids got a little frightened hahaha.

Next it is time for some dancing!

Even the little ones to dance with us, they love the tooty ta so much!

